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Mark Palmer Testifies to California Coastal Commission on SeaWorld's False Statements

| David Phillips. Int'l Marine Mammal Project
Topics: SeaWorld

Mark J. Palmer, Associate Director of the Earth Island Institute's International Marine Mammal Project, gave a compelling speech to the California Coastal Commission in opposition to SeaWorld San Diego's proposed Blue World project.

Palmer encouraged the development of rehabilitation and release facilities, pointing out that there exist good candidates for release at SeaWorld. One such candidate is the orca Corky, whom was stolen from the Pacific Northwest population. A banner for Corky was presented to the commission with help from Michael Reppy, who also presented later in the day.

Palmer also discussed the litigation that IMMP is supporting, arguing that SeaWorld is misrepresenting to the general public, a violation of consumer protection and unfair business practices laws. Please sign our petition demanding that SeaWorld begin telling the truth about the conditions the orcas are kept in.