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Celebrate Earth Day 2020 with IMMP

Topics: Cetacean Habitat, Climate Change, Earth Day

Happy Earth Day 2020! Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day by participating in the following events recommended by IMMP and Earth Island staff:

1. Visit the official webpage for Earth Day here:

Join the collective global conversation by using the hashtag #EarthDay2020 and #IMMPxEarthDay in your social media posts!

2. We invite you to join thousands of activists around the world TODAY, April 22nd for a LIVE virtual celebration of Earth Day 2020- you'll find a live stream of discussions all day long, including panels with young environmental activists advocating for intersectionality in the environmental movement, a chat with award-winning filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg (director and producer of Fantastic Fungi), and more!

3. Donate to environmental organizations like IMMP and Earth Island Institute and spread the love for Earth today!

A message from our executive director, Dave Phillips, on the coronavirus: "The months ahead — and maybe longer — are going to be difficult here and around the world. But we can get through this, and Earth Island will continue its efforts to press for the protection of public health, for oceans free of plastic pollution, for the preservation of wild places and animal habitats, and for a sustainable environment. Earth Island’s programs and the 80 projects it supports are a testament to what can be done when we all pull together and support one another."

Your support is needed now more than ever, to continue our work tackling the impacts of fishing on marine mammals and the incredible, ever-growing levels of plastic pollution found in our oceans. The coronavirus poses a financial burden on everyone, and non-profits are no exception. Thank you, and remember EVERY DAY IS EARTH DAY!