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Asking Japan's Prime Minister To End Dolphin And Whale Hunting

| David Phillips & Mark J. Palmer
Topics: Dolphins, Slaughter, Taiji, Japan

The International Marine Mammal Project sent this letter to Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on August 29, just ahead of the beginning of the 2016-2017 dolphin slaughter that begins today in Taiji, Japan.

Dear Prime Minister Abe:

We hope our letter finds you in good health. We greet you with respect for the Japanese people and for Japan.

Along with many other organizations and country governments, Earth Island Institute’s International Marine Mammal Project is opposed to the killing of whales and dolphins. We believe ending Japan’s killing of whales and dolphins, particularly in light of Japan’s hosting the Olympics in four years, would be beneficial to Japan and enhance Japan’s international reputation.

We should stress that we do not believe in a boycott of Japan nor a boycott of the Olympics in Tokyo.

In 2020, Tokyo will be hosting the summer Olympics. The world will focus on Japan, and Japan will have an extraordinary opportunity on the world stage to restore prestige.

On that world stage, the slaughter of innocent whales and dolphins, anathema to most of the world’s people and governments, would send a jarring note of Japan’s unwillingness to cooperate with world bodies like the World Court and the IWC. This need not be the case.

The Olympics are all about cooperation and celebration. The slaughter of whales and dolphins practiced by Japan are anything but. Does Japan really need such black marks on their national reputation?

We are told in antiquity that Greek warriors laid down their arms and ceased wars in order to join in the Olympic competitions, upon which our modern Olympics are based. It is time for Japan to lay down their harpoons and spikes with which they kill whales and dolphins, and join the rest of the world in ending the exploitation of these intelligent and remarkable beings. Country after country, some having longer “traditions” of whale and dolphin hunting than Japan, have ceased such activities.

The Sept. 1st beginning of another season of dolphin hunting is upon us. In December, the Japanese whaling fleet still plans to set sail for Antarctic waters. Will the Japan government take action now to end the hunting?

We are enclosing a copy of the Japanese language version of “The Cove” DVD for your consideration, along with our listing of alternatives for dolphin hunters and the communities in which they live and work.

A gesture of international cooperation and goodwill by Japan towards whales and dolphins would have immense global value.

With four years to go, now is the time for Japan to start phasing out dolphin hunting and whaling.

Thank you for your consideration of our views.


David Phillips & Mark J. Palmer, International Marine Mammal Project




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Image credit Oceanic Preservation Society.