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Governor Jerry Brown Is Trying To Gut CA Coastal Act

| Mark J. Palmer
Topics: Cetacean Habitat, Dolphins, Whales

California Governor Jerry Brown has joined development interests in a bid to erode the protections of California environmental laws, including the Coastal Act.

Affordable housing is a very important issue, especially in California where income inequality is becoming a more pressing and devastating issue each day. However, new legislation is being introduced that declares open season on the coastline while falsely claiming to promote affordable housing. Called Trailer Bill 707, the bill will allow developers to bypass completely the protections of the California Coastal Act and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). And the developer need only provide 5% of a housing complex as “affordable” in order to build without hindrance in the coastal zone, and without any review of the environmental consequences for water use, wildlife habitat, or traffic patterns. There are no limits on the size of such apartment and condo developments, and questions remain as to what exactly these developers view as affordable for the meager 5% required quota.

Pro-development and short-sighted are the right words for this proposal, which is being pushed fast in the California Legislature.



You can help by contacting California legislative leaders and the Governor.

TELL THESE LEADERS YOU ARE OPPOSED TO TRAILER BILL 707. TELL THEM NOT TO BYPASS THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL ACT OR CEQA. Truly affordable housing is a pressing issue that must be addressed. However, CEQA and the Coastal Act provide the public as well as local governments the opportunity to consider the environmental consequences of building housing, making sure the housing is located and planned for areas that limit harm to the environment. There is no reason to abolish these important processes in the name of affordable housing. And we call on local governments to identify what exactly constitutes “affordable”, and affordable for whom.

Senate Pro Tempore Kevin de Leon

Send a message, CLICK HERE.

Fax: (916) 651-4924

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon

Send a message, CLICK HERE.

Fax: (916) 319-2163

Senate Budget Committee Chair Leno

Send a message, CLICK HERE.

Fax: (916) 651-4911

Assembly Budget Committee Chair Philip Ting

Send a message, CLICK HERE.

Fax: (916) 319-2119

Governor Jerry Brown

Send a message, CLICK HERE.

Fax; (916) 558-3160

Please also sign the Sierra Club’s petition.

Photo credit Frank Schulenburg