Photo Credit: Mark J. Palmer

Young Artist Points to the Harm of Orca Captivity

Topics: Captivity Industry, Orcas

By Mark J. Palmer

We are pleased to present a young artist’s graphic and commentary on the harm to orcas from captivity. Thank you, Suhani, for caring about the wellbeing of orcas and for sharing your creative gift with the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) of Earth Island Institute.

It’s heartening that Suhani and other young people are joining IMMP in advocating for protecting orcas from the misery of captivity where they are forced to perform tricks in small concrete tanks.

Working together, we can help end the misery of captivity. Two simple beginning steps: Do not buy a ticket to whale and dolphins shows, and educate your friends.

Thanks to Suhani and to all youth working to protect ocean life and the Earth.