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An Angel In Hell

| International Marine Mammal Project
Topics: Dolphin and Whale Trade, Dolphins, Taiji, Japan

On January 17, 2014, a pod of dolphins was driven into the cove in Taiji, Japan. Among them was a very young and pure-white dolphin that was later named Angel. Of course, once the hunters saw her uniqueness, they knew they wanted this "freak of nature" for themselves. They separated her from her mother, killed her family, and brought her to the Taiji Whale Museum, where she resides to this day.

We continue to do all we can to free Angel and stop the cruel dolphin drive hunts in Taiji. We supported the first-ever lawsuit to be brought against the Taiji Whale Museum, which was victorious and important because it sends a message to the Japanese government and the public that it is becoming more acceptable to oppose the hunts.

We will continue to keep an eye on the drive hunts and issue our monthy Cove Reports during the season. To date, we have observed a decline of 62% since we began our Save Japan Dolphins Campaign in 2004.

But much remains to be done. Please spread the word about Angel and sign our petition to release her and end the hunts for good.

Angel the Albino Dolphin at Taiji Whale Museum from Int'l Marine Mammal Project on Vimeo.

You can see how pitifully small and depressing Angel's tank is:

Angel's small tank at the Tajij Whale Museum from Int'l Marine Mammal Project on Vimeo.

(Videos courtesy Angel Melody).

We will continue to monitor Angel and will not stop advocating for her freedom. We hope you will join us: please sign the petition to free Angel once and for all.