Photo Credit: Reearth

Webinar: Beneath the Surface: The Impact of Captivity on Cetaceans

Topics: Captivity Industry, Dolphin and Whale Trade, Dolphins, Orcas

Free Webinar with Dr. Naomi Rose, January 14, 2022

The International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) and Baikal Watch of Earth Island Institute invite you to a free webinar with Dr. Naomi Rose, “Beneath the Surface: The Impact of Captivity on Cetaceans,” about the impact of captivity on whales and dolphins.

Naomi has worked for almost 30 years to end the captive display of cetaceans (whales and dolphins). After spending five years in the field with wild orcas for her doctoral dissertation on male social dynamics, Naomi has studied the impacts of captivity on cetaceans and worked on legal and policy changes related to their captivity. She is currently Marine Mammal Scientist for the Animal Welfare Institute, based in Washington DC. Naomi received her PhD in biology at the University of California Santa Cruz in 1992.

DATE: Friday, January 14, 2022

TIME: 6:00 PM in New York EST (3:00 PM in California PST)

DURATION: 1.5 hours, with the last 30 minutes open for questions

All are welcome to join us.

This webinar is part of IMMP and Baikal Watch’s educational support for Russian activists working to end captures of wild cetaceans in Russian waters for captivity. (Naomi will speak in English, and a Russian translator will provide sequential translation.)

The webinar will focus on the science of cetaceans held in captivity, and will be of interest to all people interested in cetaceans.

To join the webinar, send an email to . Ariadna will send you an email response with the Zoom link.

For those who are not able to attend, we plan to record it and place a link on this blog site.

Your donations help the International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute promote understanding and hope for whales and dolphins around the world. This webinar is part of our educational efforts for both Russians and activists around the world seeking an end to captivity. We ask that you donate to help save whales, dolphins and their ocean homes. Thank you!

Please Donate to Help End Cetacean Captivity